A few days before spring break I had one of my worst teaching days ever. I had the kids put their heads down multiple times, I lectured them non stop. I honestly don't remember what EXACTLY was so horrible, but I do remember coming home, hugging my husband, and breaking down into tears! I thought it was supposed to be easier than this. The next morning, while feeding my baby before work, I googled "kindergarten classroom management" and found a video on youtube. This teacher had the kids reciting rules and had everyone engaged. I was hooked! At the time I didn't really spend any time looking through information that went with the video. A few days later during spring break I watched the video again and realized it is from www.wholebrainteaching.com Long story short, I spent a good chunk of my time on this website during the break and implemented some great strategies when I came back. I have done some journaling over the past few weeks as I've implemented WBT a few steps at a time. I will be back later to post them. I just can't believe how HAPPY I am, EVEN with my group of craaaaazy boys! =)